Xu, T., Singh, K., Rajivan, P. (Published) “SpearSim: Design and Evaluation of synthetic task environment for studies on spear phishing attacks,” 2021 HFES Annual Meeting. [preprint]
Xu, T., Singh, K., Rajivan, P. (Published) “Modeling phishing decision making using instance-based learning and natural language processing,” Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. [preprint]
Xu, T. & Rajivan, P. (Published) “Determining psycholinguistic features of deception in phishing messages,” Information and Computer Security.
Xu, T., Singh, K., Rajivan, P. (Published) “Personalized persuasion: Quantifying susceptibility to information exploitation in spear-phishing attacks,” Applied Ergonomics.
Modeling memory processes in phishing decision making using instance based learning and natural language processing
Speaker @ PSHFES Symposium 2023
October 5th, 2023 Seattle, WA, USA
Invited talk: Analyzing adversarial decision-making using models of instance based learning and natural language processing: Phishing case study
Guest speaker @ Department of Computer Science, UTEP
April 27th, 2023 Online
Modeling decision making on text stimuli using cognitive architectures and natural language processing: the case of phishing attacks
Track: Modeling & Simulation
Conference: IISE2022
May 22nd, 2022 Seattle, WA, USA
Invited talk: Modeling phishing decision making using instance-based learning and natural language processing
Guest speaker @ Department of Computer Science, UTEP
March 31th, 2022 Online
Modeling phishing decision making using instance-based learning and natural language processing
Track: Cyber deception
Conference: HICSS 2022
January 7th, 2022 Online
SpearSim: Design and Evaluation of synthetic task environment for studies on spear phishing attacks
Track: Cybersecurity
Conference: HFES 2021
October 27th, 2021 Online
SpearSim: Design and Evaluation of synthetic task environment for studies on spear phishing attacks
Track: Cybersecurity
Conference: SOUPS 2021
August 8th, 2021 Online
Hook, Line and Sinker: Determining psycholinguistic features of deception in phishing messages
Track: Awareness, Training and Education
Conference: AHFE 2020
July 19th, 2020 13:30-15:30 San Diego, CA, USA
Academic Service
Reviewer for Systems Engineering
Reviewer for HFES2023
Track: cybersecurity
Reviewer for HICCS 2023
Track: Cybercrime
Reviewer for HICCS 2022
Track: Artificial Intelligence-based Assistants
Track: Cyber Deception and Cyberpsychology for Defense